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Verndale's partnership with Contentful opens doors for businesses of all sizes to harness the power of this versatile headless content management system (CMS). Contentful is a top choice for those seeking a headless-first, multi-channel CMS. It's effortless to set up and perfect for building content to distribute across various channels, especially websites and mobile apps. Verndale offers expert guidance, a robust in-house design team, and seamless integration services to craft dynamic experiences that resonate with your audience, wherever they may be.


Our Expertise


Design & Animation

Experience enhanced brand identity with custom designs and animations crafted to reflect your unique vision. Through collaboration and a strong emphasis on accessibility, we tailor user experiences to resonate with your audience and meet your specific objectives. Our specialized designs and engaging animations simplify intricate concepts, seamlessly integrating them to deliver maximum impact for your brand.

CMS Content Architecture

We make your CMS dynamic and responsive, boosting your digital marketing campaigns. By using Contentful's adaptability and our tech expertise, we optimize your architecture for better search, SEO, site URL management, and flexible page design, delivering efficient content referencing. Plus, we simplify content organization, freeing content authors from complex tools.


Seamless integrations are essential for a thriving digital ecosystem. Our expertise in connecting Contentful spans various tools, services, and frameworks, elevating content management capabilities. This ensures effortless communication between your CMS and CRM systems, ecommerce platforms, marketing automation tools, and beyond. Our approach also helps coordinate digital harmony, facilitating smooth content distribution across diverse channels.


One of the most common questions is "How do my users sift through all this content?" Verndale can help you navigate decisions around search frameworks and tools, ending up with easy-to-use experiences to surface the correct content. We can integrate directly with individual items of Contentful content using tools like Algolia or focus on the front-end experience with powerful enterprise search platforms such as Coveo.


Contentful's headless CMS enables flexibility for our front-end team to choose the stack that best fits your technical requirements. For fast experiences and load time, we may use Gatsby, a static site generator. For dynamically updating pages without redeploying the entire site, we may use Next.js. Both frameworks are built with React, giving our front-end developers full control over the user interface and delivering a rich and modern experience.


We'll help you install a secure and scalable hosting environment for your Contentful-powered digital experience, ensuring your website or applications are always available and performing at their best. The cloud-based infrastructure coupled with our services ensures the reliability and flexibility you need, whether running a small website or a complex enterprise application.

These folks help lead the charge

  • Liz

    Elizabeth Spranzani

    Chief Technology Officer

  • Doug

    Doug Yoder

    Technical Director

  • Joe Fusco

    Technical Director, Front End

  • Stephanie Fogg

    Stephanie Caldwell

    User Experience Design Lead